Thursday, August 16, 2012

Longstrike; Putting The Pieces Back Together

A few days ago, while on Nerf Mods & Reviews, a blaster modifier suggested trying to put my Longstrike back together. I agreed to try, and he helped me along the way. Long story short, the pieces were all back where they were supposed to be and I tried firing it. The clip went in easy, the bolt pulled back and pushed forward fine. The trigger only pulled half-way, and I had to jerk the clip to get it out. IceCubed, which was the blogger helping me, suggested taking the trigger lock out so it would perform better.
       Coming from IceCubed, this sounds like a good idea, but since I have never modified anything I have been kind of lenient about doing it. Thoughts? Tips? Please leave them below! This post is basically giving an update on my Longstrike, and to let you know their might be a blog entry coming out soon on a real Nerf blaster modification. noticed in the past...would excite a few of you experts out there to see some actual Nerf here for a change!

Also, before I conclude this post, I would like for you to show some support for IceCubed since he has and is helping a beginner at modifying like me. Please take the time to check out his blog here.
Thanks all for stopping in to this short update entry, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Severe Thunderstorm Strikes Fast & Furious

Yesterday, August 8th, I experienced a very nerve-racking exciting storm! I also completed my first call to the National Weather Service reporting tree damage from the wind, and it was such an experience. Anyways, lets talk about it! A warning was issued on the system about 10 minutes after it developed over my county, and there were about 8 reports of trees falling inside the county. We received 3 inches of rainfall in a little less then an hour, and creeks and ditches were filled to over capacity very quick. Our yard turned into a debris field, and here are the pictures I took;
Taken during the storm, when the rain wasn't as hard. You can see the yard flooding, as well as the ditch line filling up further out.
A large maple limb down in neighbors' yard after the storm.
Heavy rain with severe winds were enough to blow a bird feeder horizontal and knock it down with other limbs.
Mammatus clouds visible before sunset on the way home from church.

Thankfully, there was no major hail core in this storm. There was, though, about 2 miles north pea sized hail falling.  Some were without power, which is the result of a few lines down. All in all, its nothing the Lord and us can't handle together!
      I have been unable to access the Internet for most of the day, which is why a new post is not up on my meteorology blog yet. I can promise you a post on the Atlantic basin tomorrow evening, to give you the details of our increasing activity.
Thanks all for stopping in this evening, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!

All Photos shown here are courtesy of TropicalWxBlogger