Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Blog News Update

Good evening all. I got a few subjects to get across here concerning the blog, so you know what is going on. I have had a busy start to April, and last Saturday was very busy..and fun. So lets get started here.
  •  Due to the lack of resources for severe weather prediction, I do not think I will post on severe weather potential anymore unless it is at a local scale around me and where most of my audience is centered. If I did post, I would mostly be copying from the Storm Prediction Center, and copying someones work is not my style. So due to this, blog posting will be slow through April and probably the beginning of May. I do expect more action into the Atlantic Hurricane Season as May approaches, so we might get cranking there.
  •         This is not a very important update, but with the start of spring and convection firing, you can probably expect an increase in weather photos upload to the Photography page in my main blog.
  •         It has been two weeks since I posted an entry, and I will try to get a blog post up sometime this week concerning the factors that will effect our hurricane season storm numbers and probable direction.
Thanks all for stopping in today, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!

Friday, March 15, 2013

March Blog News Update

This month does not contain a big deal of updates, there are a few specific notes that you might want to know about for the blog. So lets get down to business.

  •  The topic of blogging will switch to severe weather on March 20th, the day before the start of spring. I must say this winter has been very tough on me, due to the lack of model guidance for me to use. I did come across a 7-day forecast from the NAVGEM, which replaced the Navy's NOGAPS. I have never blogged on severe weather before, so this spring will be a testing experience for me.
  •  I have started to blog on the weather site known as Wunderground once more, so if you see a blogger with the user name "SPLbeater" it is not plagiarism! That is my user name on there and the content publish on my main blogspot blog is copied and posted there as well to reach more viewers.

I think that is all for this month's update, I have had nothing else come to mind while typing this. There are a few more things that will change on the blog in the future, but these can be included in April or May's news update since these changes will not occur until then.
Thanks all for stopping in, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February News Update

Good evening all. I have only a few subjects to put out today in this months' news update concerning the blog. I must admit that blogging on winter weather has been difficult for me, but I cannot say that I didn't enjoy the challenge to publish an accurate forecast.

  •  The current poll that is up on the main blog will be closing tomorrow, so regular viewers, if you have not voted, time spent to put in your decision is greatly appreciated.

  •  A new poll will be coming out after the current one closes, probably starting somewhere between February 17th through the 20th and ending at the start of March. This poll will concern subject change-basically what you want to read about in the weather realm on the main blog.

  • You have probably noticed that I am not posting as often as usual(new post every 3-4 days) and I apologize. I have a few factors that are taking up more time, and I am blogging when I can. Once the school year starts to wind to an end I will probably find more time to blog.
Thanks all for stopping in, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January News Update

Good evening all! You have probably noticed that there was not a news post here last month in December, and the fact was, there was nothing to talk about. So I figured that I would just let you know that in this month's post. And even with two months combination, there is hardly anything new to report. So lets get started.

  •  I have continued to post winter weather blog entries, which started at the beginning of December 2012. These are not easy, unlike the tropical weather posts. I do not have near as much model access as I need for snow forecasts, so getting the information to put a winter blog post together is rather difficult at times. I will still do my best, though. The date at which I will conclude winter weather blogs and switch topics for spring is unknown at this time.

  • The 'Local Weather Photos' page on my main blog(which you can view here) has been empty for a few months. With the subject change and a few other things going on, I did not pay much attention to snapping pictures for that page. I can assure you that when warmer weather rolls around and diurnal convection fires in the afternoon hours, there will be a lot more photos.

  • I will likely have a poll or two up on my main blog in mid to late February, so that you readers can decide when to switch from winter and what to switch to.
And other then these few notes, I have nothing else to report. Be sure to stop in and check out my latest U.S. winter weather blog entry!
Thanks all for stopping in, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!