Friday, March 15, 2013

March Blog News Update

This month does not contain a big deal of updates, there are a few specific notes that you might want to know about for the blog. So lets get down to business.

  •  The topic of blogging will switch to severe weather on March 20th, the day before the start of spring. I must say this winter has been very tough on me, due to the lack of model guidance for me to use. I did come across a 7-day forecast from the NAVGEM, which replaced the Navy's NOGAPS. I have never blogged on severe weather before, so this spring will be a testing experience for me.
  •  I have started to blog on the weather site known as Wunderground once more, so if you see a blogger with the user name "SPLbeater" it is not plagiarism! That is my user name on there and the content publish on my main blogspot blog is copied and posted there as well to reach more viewers.

I think that is all for this month's update, I have had nothing else come to mind while typing this. There are a few more things that will change on the blog in the future, but these can be included in April or May's news update since these changes will not occur until then.
Thanks all for stopping in, hope you have a blessed week ahead of you!